
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hunting The First State: A Guide to Delaware Hunting

Hunting the First State: A Guide to Delaware Hunting is a must have reference for any hunter who hunts or who is considering hunting the Delaware region.

Find practical tips, tactics, and Delaware hunting locations for:

* White-tailed Deer
* Eastern Wild Turkeys
* Eastern Gray Squirrels
* eastern Cottontail Rabbits
* Bobwhite Quail
* Mourning Doves
* Woodcock
* Crows
* Ducks
* Canada Geese
* Snow Geese

What's more, Hunting the First State includes useful hunting information that also applies to hunting in other areas of the Mid-Atlantic region, including:

* Southeastern Pennsylvania
* Southern New Jersey
* Eastern Maryland

For more information and to order Hunting The First State: A Guide To Delaware Hunting, click here. The book will be available via Amazon, Borders, and Barnes and Noble within about 4 weeks, but you can order from my site now!

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