
Thursday, September 21, 2006

2006-07 Hunting Log - Share your hunting stories

In Delaware, our bow season opened Sept. 1. I have been out about 5 times, seeing deer each time. I got within 60 yards of 2 nice bucks in velvet, but they were out in a wide open bean field that I couldn't creept through.

I also gave a little doe a free pass last week. I had it in front of my stand for more than an hour. I will let you know when the big one falls. It looks like you clowns are still tuning your bows.
Welcome aboard Uncle June. Glad to see you are out in the great outdoors. Let's all hope for a successful and safe season. Nice to get up to date reports from Delaware!
Holy Jesus!

I am typing on my PDA and I am out in the outback bush. I am being attached by 16 platypuses, a crocodile, and 3 kangaroos!

AAAAGGHHH! God help me.
So, first day of archery came and went. I saw a red fox in the morning and jumped a deer on the way to my stand in the afternoon. After that the only thing I saw was a racoon that hung out under my stand for a while. I hear that the rest of you guys didnt see anything either.

Let's hear from you all!
So I had a good feeling about going into the woods last night about 6:00. I wasn't in my stand 5 minutes when a 3 point buck came into view 20 yards from me. He milled around as I watched him for about 10 minutes. Then a small doe came out 10 yards on the other side of me. knowing Mom wasn't to far behind her, I readjusted myself to prepare for a shot. When she came out I noticed she wasn't using her left back leg. She had an extreamly large hoof that she must have hurt recently. Again, I have not seen these 3 deer this year like the buck I shot at earlier this week. Where do they come from? Where ever they come from, it's usually when you least expect it. Plan on always being ready. I opted not to take a shot and watched these deer as they all stayed in shooting range until 5 minutes before I climed out of the stand. Instances like these are much more exciting than actually killing a deer. The big doe knew I was there but couldn't pin point where I was. Rule of thumbs, always know what that dominant doe is doing before you try to move or shoot at any deer around her. She will give you away in a moments notice. I guess gut pile still is missing in action as he is not on this blog yet. Where is crossbow?Perhaps he's working at my house today puttin in 2 basement windows today.. LOL. These guys must be spending to much time in the woods and don't have time to check out the blog.
# posted by bigfish : 10:42 AM
Wait, did I read right? BigFish passed on a doe? What are you getting soft in your old age? Damn, or are you like the rest of us sportsman and actually waiting for a nice buck instead. Large hoof, isnt that a sign of mad cow?
Or that hoof desease cows get? Tonight I will get into my stand. The temparature dropped and should result in some action. Even though I am injured, I will prevail!!
Was our for last 2 hours of day. Only saw a hawk....which was pretty cool in itself.
I got out again last night for the last hour of the day with Woody and didn't see anything except squirles. Yes I passed on the mad deer desease doe.
I thought about shooting the smaller deer but I'll wait until the end of the season for that last minute tag filler. I can't get out on Sat morning because of an early wedding but I might get out in the afternoon. Good luck to all.
Cousin Jason, lets call him Mountain Man, got out Sat am well before the crack of dawn and only saw 1 raccoon, a fox and 2 doe but couldn't get a shot at them. i went out Sat night and saw 7 doe. Two of them were 10 yards away for about 15 minutes and I had several chances to shoot but they were both in that 60-70 lb. class. Once again, being the ethical hunter that I am, I passed them up. As the season goes on, I might not be so quick to pass up the little ones though. They taste just the same... I'm planning on going out tonight so I'll be in touch...
Get Mountain Man on board with us!
Saturday was a big day. I had deer all around me. They wouldnt come out. I couldnt move for hours. It was from 3:30-close. Finally I walked out and once out onto the neighbors property, I heard big crash in the woods, then to my right on my neighbors lawn were two doe that took off ran across other neighbors yard and cut back into the woods behind the wood pile. Never did see the third deer in the woods. Hope to get out Wednesday evening. Things seem to be heating up!
I got out last night around 5:30 and don't you know a father and son are flying around on two four wheelers for about 15 minutes near my stand. They never saw me but in turn I never saw any deer. I did see a fox, a cat and a bunch of squirls. Funny how the smallest animals in the woods make the most noise. the bigger they get, the less noise they make. keep your eyes open as I usually see deer before I hear them. i'll get mountain Man on board as soon as I get his e-mail address.
Today is a sad day for me as I will be taking old Dutch to the vet to determine if it is his number in the calling to a better place. The Great Hunting Grounds in the sky. I'll meet with the Dr. at 3:40 today. My family is heart broken as this old guy has been with us 14 great years. He was our first child and still is a big baby. I dreaded this day for a long time now but I knew it was inevitable. I'll keep you informed as to his condition and the outcome.
Well, I took my buddy to the vet and brought him home. As I kind of expected, they wanted to try some med's before the took on the responsibility of putting him down. I have to give it a chance and if we don't have good improvements in the next 4 days, we will be taking him back. They know he is not in good physical shape but his mind is still sharp as he is driven by his next meal... I realized that as I heard the wife yell last night. I ran into the room to find him eating one of my bags of Jerkey he had pulled out of my lunch bag. God I love this dog but what a pain in the butt. I'll be in the woods tomorrow morning and I'll let y'all know how things go.
Don't let the vet drag it out too long. They like to keep you coming back but the dog suffers.

So, this morning another red fox...............again.
Then once again this afternoon walking out from my stand, 3 deer about 75 yds standing in neighbors yard looking at me then ran tails flying about 20 more yds and watched me walk away. Looked like doe but who knows it was almost dark.
No one to hunt with on Sat. am so believe it or not I was up at the crack of dawn and in the woods before sun up. As I walked in, I saw a deer laying 20 yards from Woody's stand. I climed up my tree and sat for a while until it was light before I noticed it was an 8 pointer. I watched him look around for about a half hour and then a spike walked from Mountain Man's stand right under Woody's stand and started play fighting with the big deer. After about 15 minutes the big one stood up and began wrestling with the little guy. I saw a chance to sneak up on them while they were preoccupied and so I did. I got within 20 yards of them and had the spike broadside but couldn't see the 8 pointer anymore. As the small deer walked up the hill after 10 minutes or so, I slid out from behind the bush and there was the 8 pointer 15 yards tops, staring me in the eyes. If I had been a little more patient he might have walked into that broadside position. Instead, he trotted up the hill with the spike. I tried to sneak back to Mountain Man's stand and wait for them to pass by but they never did.
Mountain Man was fishing with Captain Ted on the Indian this Sat and they caught a lot of tog and croakers, some sharks and oystercrackers. Nice Rack, woody and I will be on that trip in about 4 weeks for striper...
It's pretty funny that the one day Woody wasnt in his stand an 8 pointer was there. He always complains about you seeing all the deer and getting all the shots!
I know... It's always that way Woody and me and guess what, last night I got up in my stand and a big doe came from Mountain Man's stand and walked right under Woody's stand. It had it's head down and ears back but wasn't walking funny and there were no signs if it was injured. I never saw a doe act like that. It made a loud crack which made me turn around to see it and it went in the thicket just behind Woody's stand. About 20 minutes later I heard another loud crack and it made me wonder if someone might have shot this deer and it was having trouble and falling down. I never heard or saw anything after that though.
Bowling tonight... Bring your A game.....
Bigfish, it's Mark; logged on.
Welcome Aboard Mark!
So Friday had a doe around me for 20 Min or so. Never gave me a good shot. Small too. I pulled a coughing fit and she didnt blink. Saturday was a wash cause I am fighting this cold. Pisser too cause it's perfect hunting weather.
Good to see you are aboard there Hangnloose. keep up with this and see how the hunting is in our area. Nice camping trip. All booked for next year too. Nice Rack, hit that Springgulch website and book in for this same time next year and camp with us (Oct. 20th, 07)I'm going to start looking at new campers and see if I can afford one...
I see there was not much going on while I was gone. It looked like Mountain Man was out at my house but I didn't talk to him yet. I set Woody up on the blog but I think he had some trouble logging on. I'll talk to him tonight. 1/2 day tomorrow so I'll get some time in the woods before bowling starts.
Mountain Man was at my place last weekend and had 1 small doe in his sites but didn't take any shots. Still lookin for a buck. I will get out Sat. morning with Hangnloose but I'm not sure who else will be there. This little cold spell might just get the rut underway a little early. Don't be afraid to grunt and drop some doe in heat pee. As always, be prepared to shoot at all times. The deer seem to move through the area pretty quickly and ya only get one shot at em.
Thanks, nice Rack; looking foward to comming up to Bigfish's and spending time in the woods; Will be up tomorrow in the rain, still looking forward to it.
Mountain Man was at my house on Friday morning for about 45 minutes when he took an 8 point buck and had me come out to help him drag it in. Some bleets and grunts seem to draw him in close enough for a 20 yard shot. I then left for work in hopes of taking a half day to hunt myself. I never got home till about 5:50 and was dressed and in stand not 5 minutes later. 10 minutes into the hunt an 8 pointer walked under me at about 8 yards. Wack is all I can say. We both took 8 pointers. We butchered them up ourselves to save the cash and did a darn good job at it if I say so myself. Hangnloose made it up Sat. morning in the rain and wind. He didn't see any deer though. We'll show him what deer look like before the end of the year. I have seen less activity in the woods than I have for a while.
Good luch fellow hunting brothers... I believe I am leading the Bowling league's big buck pool as of now. Catch me if you can......
Does anyone post on this site anymore? I've been waiting to hear what everyone has to say and I never see any postings. Hangnloose was back out last Sat. and all he saw were cats.. We'll get him out again soon.
Tom, Woody and I had a great day out on the water yesterday fishing for Stripers. Tom and I led the day with 2 fish each. The mate, brother Scott and Woody each took a nice striper and Scott won the pool for the biggest fish. I need to retire and do this stuff all year long. Next would likely be a phesant hunt neer Tom's and then we will be up in NY for brown trout in the first quarter of the year, just before spring gobbler.
That just might have to be our next challenge if Tom buys a Mt. house. Ha, ha...
Pass the word around to get on the blog.
Tom, make sure you tell Rich he has my permission to hunt in my stand behind Orlando's house. Any body else can get there own spot and not try to profit off of someone else's hard work and efforts. Spend some time in the woods and hook yourself up.
Hey Big Fish, you are supposed to talk about fishing in the fishing section. See ya there!
Satureday morning was perfect for bow hunting. I was in the tree before light and was relaxed and ready. About 7:20 I saw movement over my right shoulder and there he was. A Nice Rack, 8 or better. walking down the trail to the larger horse trail. I had laid scent down towards my stand and expected the deer to make a left turn towards me. I was already at full draw and ready to take the shot. Unfortunately, he turned right and walked away. I grunted and bleated to no avail. Bow is over for now. Gunning begins soon. I have my sights set on him. Nice red coat to, not gray or dark brown.
So today we kick off the regular gun season for buck and doe. Good luck to all you hunters that were not able to get one with the bow.
Rice Rack, I expect good reports from you in the next 2 weeks. We need a mountain house of our own. All of our buddies are up in the mountains and all I could think about this weekend was wanting to leave town and get up to the back woods of PA. Ahhhh, the price I pay for being a good shot at bow hunting... I just might have to come up to rice rack's place and drop a couple of doe's. Looking forward to some cold weather too.
Well, here we are in the extended season. Last chance for a buck is today and tomorrow. Remember that you need better than an 8 pointer to take the lead spot in the pool from me. I wouldn't mind loosing to someone like Nice Rack though.
Good luck to everyone. The weather should be cold in the mornings but perfect in the evenings. Get out there and hunt... I have a spot for nice rack if he wants it...
Nice Rack here. Get ready for me Big Fish, I plan on taking you up on your offer. I will be in your spot today at about 3 or 3:30 if it is ok with you. Been a tough year for me. Not even a shot really. Only 1 doe came within shooting distance and I hunted more than ever this year. But......It ain't over till it's over.
No Escape, Tag Your It. You've been tagged so go to " " to find out more about this new concept for hunters and join the fun.
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