
Thursday, September 07, 2006

About this blog

This is a new blog about hunting. A place for the American Hunter. You can come and be part of a tradition, part of a unified group of sportsman that enjoy the outdoors and the natural tradition of hunting. Please feel free to participate in discussions and topics of interest. Communicate with your fellow outdoors enthusiasts to discuss topics related to deer, rabbit, upland bird, and waterfowl hunting. Also discuss freshwater and saltwater fishing. I will post my experiences, but I need your help (since I am limited to hunting and fishing in DE, NJ, PA). We can discuss hunts, locations, rentals, product -- you name it!

Im aboard..
Hey Big Fish, nice to have you aboard. You are the first official blogger to this site. Spread the word!
Crossbow is here. Season is soon to open. September 30th.
Get our early, shooting starts on October 14th
Happy Sept. 11 to y'all.
Let me start by saying, "please take a moment to remember those lives lost in the Twin Tower attacks in NY"
My weekend ended with the capture and release of a 25 lb. ground hog that has been stealing my tomatoes from the garden and haunting my dreams all year long. No one gets um better than Have-a-heart traps".
There was nothing worse than looking out of the bathroom window and seeing that sucker playing in the clover patch...
Get your doe tags out today 9/11/06.
Last chance to send in for them..

Over the counter sales are Mon. 9/18/06. But they could sell out by then.
I got to send this doe tag out. We need a few of them. I got to get some venison in that Freezer!
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Last night I observed several hummingbirds at my house while working in the yard. I brought my kids out and we all saw them together. One was actually 12 inches from my face. They were chasing cat birds out of the area. A cool sight to see. I haven't seen them around the house for 2 or 3 years now.
Take some time to observe our great outdoors and you'll be suprised what you might see.
Last night I observed my bowling partner losing focus. It was sad as the rest of the team watched in vain attempting to regain the lost pins. It's amazing what a nice rack will do to a man's focus.
Hey Nice Rack,
I think we all had that problem.
It's good to know that the outdoorsman comes out in all of us when a couple of nice racks appear.
Let's focas on the task at hand.
Start sighting in those bows....
Well finally got my doe tag. Also sent for bonus tag. Monday I am going to court house to get 2 more maybe. Hey, not greedy! I got four kids to feed!!!!
bigfish met with nice rack to enjoy a local lunch today. We both received an extra 2 doe tags and renewed our concealed weapons permits. 5C was on it's way to selling out with one more case left but 5D had about 6 cases of unsold tags left. The county issued about 1600 extra licences this year. Get what you need soon before they are sold out.
I reset my have-a-heart trap in the garden. I'll keep y'all posted on what I catch this time.
Anyone seen gutpile???

We set up a big buck contest for $20.00 a head. If you are in, let us know. Crossbow never fired back with a response about it. Must have a loose bow string. Most points on the rack wins the kitty. Get in before the season starts. This contest is open durring all seasons (gun and archery) and is over at the close of the last buck season. You must prove the buck is yours (picture or rack) and let everyone know as soon as it is killed. Good luck and "God Bless"
Hey, not only do you have to have proof by picture or rack but you also have to tag it with your tag. This contest is not for the weak at heart.
8 days left until we are officially underway for the start of the archery season. just a quick reminder, no one has my permission to use my tree stand up behind Orlando's property. I might be using it at times, other times I won't but it's mine. I built it. I carried it in and set it up.
If I cath you in it. you will pay the price. Find your own tree and make or buy a stand of your own. DON'T MAKE ME SAY THAT AGAIN !! That said, good luck to everyone this year... Still no word from crossbow. I'll bet he's sitting in his tree waiting for the season to open. Gutpile, you out there brother??? Get on board will ya...
For those of yoy that enjoy ultimate fighting, October 11th UFC will host Tito Ortiz and Shamrock trying to settle a long dispute on Spike TV.

That will be one of the challanges you face if I catch you in my stand too.
Well, I got good news and bad news BigFish. I just got back from showing your tree stands to one of my good old friends and now client. He was really excited about that new one we put up last year. I told him that you never got in it and its a waste to leave that stand unattended.

Gutpile might have sent that new comment under the Hunting Log section. Check it out.

PS - Lets just remember who is trained in the deadly art of Whoop Ass!!!
Don't be surprised if that stand is "all of a sudden missing" Since I can't use it there, I can use it at my place.
I am all sighted in and have my stand area all pruned up for the opening bell.
5 days and counting. Just looking forward to spending time in the outdoors as the season changes yet once again. I see the leaves changing colors already..
Spent a good hour and a half sighting in yesterday. I am shooting pretty well. 10-15-20-25 yards out.
Checked all the stands and they are for the most part in good shape. The close stand is a little shakey since last year but a good tightening will fix it up. The new stand (bigfish) is in great shape. The stand near the pines needs a new top. Still havent had a chance to do so. Really more of a gunning stand anyway. Got my usual seasonal poison ivy already by clearing/pruning. Hopefully not too bad a case. Other than that, I am READY!!
I spent a little time at Dick's Sporting Goods last night . I bought new arrows and Rocket broadheads. That was the last thing I wanted to do before the season starts. Is crossbow in on the big buck pool?? I havn't heard from him at all lately. Is he still sitting in his tree looking for the season to start?? Must be.
Waiting to hear from Harvey this week. We are headed for Bradford County to look over 36 acres
Hey, everyone should read this article. I will continue to post articles of interest as I see fit in order to keep us all informed. Please take some time to read this.

Highlight this, copy and past it into your address bar.
Below is a link to the NRA site. We should all visit this often and keep up on current issues affecting our rights and our sport.
Everyone I spoke with saw no deer on the opening day of the season.
Last night I got a shot at and hit an 8 pointer. Shot was a little high and he took off with my arrow. Woody and I searched last night and I was out for 2 hours this morning. Not a drop of blood nor any sign of hair was visible.
I hate these kind of circumstances as I feel the deer could have died last nigh but I just couldn't find any signs of where he went. Don't beat me up to bad on this one as I feel worse than I would if my wife left me. I'm usually right on with my shots. Now I'm second guessing if I need to check my sights again. I would have rather missed. Now I'm in the special club with Woody and Tommy.
I don't think my heart will be into bowling tonight though.
I think I want to quit hunting..
I'm getting soft in my old age.
We have all missed at one time or another. Do you want me to come down tomorrow morning and help search?
I could leave work early and search tonight with you. We do not quit! But I know exactly how you feel. Remember, the one I lost would have been biggest buck I got!!!
Thanks nicerack but I gave it everything I had and there was not even a sign of where he could have gone. With all the greenery out there, he could have laid down anywhere. Darn it all...
I'll see you at bowling brother.
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