
Thursday, September 18, 2008

The 2008 Season Begins!!

Hey fellow hunters, are you ready for the 08 season? That's right, bow season opens this saturday for doe only. It's a little warm but a good time to get into the woods, get comfortable with your stand and equipment and see what's walking around. The woods are thick so visibility is not great. I have been scouting and seeing some nice sign around. I have a lot planned for this year including a trip to Canada for whitetail with my cousin. Hopefully a striper trip or two as well. Let's hope for a successful and safe season for everyone.

Let's hear from everyone out there.


On a very sad note, my father passed on January 1. He introduced and taught me all about hunting. I spent many hours, days and years in the woods by his side hunting and fishing. He will always be the great white hunter to me. I also lost my Uncle Jim as well who also hunted with me and my father since my beginning. I will miss them both more than you could imagine and I know they will be walking with me and be by my side as I continue the tradition as my father and uncle would want. God bless them both and all who had the great pleasure of hunting and fishing with them.
Nie coments about Sal and Uncle Jimmy. I miss old Lankey and his sharp, quick witted comments. I too have hunted with both of them and enjoyed their company on many different occasions through many years even though they never invited me to their camp. Nice Rack finally invited me up when they anounced the property was for sale. I was really only invited to wash dishes late durring buck season one year. They finally allowed me to shoot a small 5 pointer to remove it from the herd. God bless them both.

I have a striper trip booked in Early November which Nice Rack once agin has better things to do, like hunt in Canada with Cousin Jimmy. I wonder what that's like.
Perhaps I'll never know...
I have stands in the woods and am all set for the season. I think I'll wait till buck opens to hunt due to the warm weather and working on Sat afternoons. I will be sure to blog as the season progresses. Keep checking in..
In Delaware, our bow season opened September 1. I guess you are talking about the Pennsylvania season.

I wish you luck. Bowhunting is no easy task. I recently interviewed Tred Barta, and he said that any animal taken with a bow -- buck or doe -- should be considered a trophy. There should be more info from the interview available soon on

I read the info about your father. Just as he did with you, remember to bring a kid into the woods with you! This is the only way we can share and preserve our hunting tradition.

Steven M. Kendus, Author
Hunting The First State: A Guide to Delaware Hunting
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